False Positives in the Fight for Gender Diversity


I'm having a hard time celebrating some of the newly released statistics on women in leadership.

Two examples of what I see as false positives here are:

1) The promotion of women into executive roles without true P&L responsibility

2) The promotion/recruitment of women into partner roles at VC firms without the ability to sit on portfolio company boards or make investment decisions

Teddy Schleifer explains in Recode how this has a more global effect than some might anticipate: "For a long time, the concern has been that this cloistered corner of finance would not only remain an all-boys club, but also that the products we use in the real world — the cars we drive, the media outlets we read, the food we eat — would reflect the biases of these men at the table."

Our goal at Precita is to get women into positions where they are making decisions (financial or otherwise) that have a lasting effect on how their organizations are managed, and in turn how they affect the lives of users and consumers.

How do you see these changes being made within your organization? How can leaders work together to include multiple voices at the table?

#womeninleadership #precitaplacements

Lauren Rawlings